State Research Center of the
Russian Federation

2, Avtomotornaya st


Development of electronic management systems for all types of engines, automatic transmissions and intelligent systems.

Центр <span>«Спецавтомобили»</span>

Center "Special vehicles"

Creation and study of special transport means for operation in severe environment.

<span>Автомобили, тракторы и компоненты</span>

Center "Vehicles and tractors"

Analysis of modern motor vehicles and components design and development of new motor vehicles and components.

Центр <span>«Энергоустановки»</span>

Center of "Powerplants"

Engineering development for solution of priority tasks in the field of development and optimization of power units for motor vehicles, agricultural machinery and stationary power industry.

Центры <span>коллективного пользования</span>

Department of Energy Saving Technologies and Alternative Fuels

Improvement of traditional internal combustion engines as well as creation of power units for motor vehicles that run on alternative fuels.

Центр <span>стиля</span>

Style Center

Development of a product concept with its further implementation as a design project.

Информационные и <span>интеллектуальные системы</span>

Center "Information and Intelligent Systems"

Development of electronic management systems for all types of engines, automatic transmissions, hybrid and electric vehicles.